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» Cochlear Implants

Cochlear Implant

A cochlear implant is an established, effective and long-term solution for people with moderate to profound hearing loss. Cochlear Pvt Ltd, Australia has been the pioneer in the implant technology and is still the world’s leading industry in Cochlear implants. They have the most advanced cochlear implant system which is designed to simply help enjoy smarter hearing. Apart from being the world's most reliable Implants internally, the external processors are also up to date with technology with excellent hearing performance. The Kanso Sound processor is the first in the world which is smart, simple and discreet, without compromising on hearing performance technology.


What is a cochlear implant?

Cochlear Implant is an electronic medical device that replaces the function of the damaged inner ear. Unlike hearing aids, which make sounds louder, cochlear implants do the work of damaged parts of the inner ear (cochlea) to provide sound signals to the brain.

Cochlear implants can help people who:

have moderate to profound hearing loss in both ears

score 50% or less on sentence recognition tests done by hearing professional in the ear to be implanted


receive little or no benefit from hearing aids

score 60% or less on sentence recognition tests done by hearing professionals in the non-implanted ear or in both ears with hearing aids.

How do they work?

The cochlear implant enables the sound to be transferred to your hearing nerves and enables you to hear. The process is described below:


A sound processor


A sound processor worn behind the ear or on the body, captures sound and turns it into digital code. The sound processor has a battery that powers the entire system.

The sound processor transmits


The sound processor transmits the digitally-coded sound through the coil on the outside of your head to the implant.

The implant


The implant converts the digitally-coded sound into electrical impulses and sends them along the electrode array placed in the cochlea (the inner ear).

The implant's electrodes stimulate


The implant's electrodes stimulate the cochlea's hearing nerve, which then sends the impulses to the brain where they are interpreted as sound.

What are the benefits of a cochlear implant?

Many adults with cochlear implants report that they:

Hear better with a cochlear implant than with a hearing aid

A previous study has shown that people with cochlear implant achieve an average of 80% sentence understanding, compared with 10% sentence understanding for hearing aids1

Can focus better when in noisy environments

This allows them to have conversations with people across meeting tables, in restaurants and other crowded places.

Reconnect with missed sounds

that they could not hear before their cochlear implant.

Feel safer in the world

Feel safer in the world as they can hear alarms, people calling out and approaching vehicles.

Talk and hear on the phone

Enjoy music

What factors can affect these benefits?

The benefit of cochlear implants is often different for different individuals. This difference is often due to:

how long they have had hearing loss before receiving a cochlear implant

how severe their hearing loss is

condition of their cochlea (inner ear)

other medical conditions

how much practice they include in everyday life when using their cochlear implant system

For more information on the products and technology of cochlear implants available in the srilankan market please visit

Baha® bone conduction implants

For more than 35 years, people all over the world have connected to sound through a Baha® bone conduction implant. The Baha System uses the body’s natural ability to conduct sound through bone conduction, and has the potential to make an immediate and positive impact on how well you hear and communicate.


Your natural pathway to hearing

While a lot of the sound we hear travels to our ears through the air (air conduction), we actually hear a great deal through vibrations in the bone (bone conduction). When a person with normal hearing hears their own voice, most of what they actually hear comes through bone conduction. Problems in your outer or middle ear can block or restrict the flow of sound waves, preventing them from getting through effectively to your inner ear. A hearing aid relies on forcing enough sound through these problem areas, whereas bone conduction implants uses the body’s natural ability to transfer sound. By exploiting the full potential of this natural process – you can hear better and clearer than ever before

How it works

While a hearing aid tries to push sound through the damaged area, a Baha System uses the beauty of bone conduction to send clear, crisp sound directly to your inner ear. Today there are two types of Baha systems. Both offer unique Cochlear technology designed to help you hear and communicate with confidence.


The sound processor captures sounds in the air.


The sound processor turns the sound into vibrations and sends them through the abutment or magnetic connection to the small implant.


The implant transmits the vibrations through the bone directly to your inner ear.


For full information on the Baha System and its components please visit